Beliefs and how they affect our habits.

At this time of year, you probably have a weight loss goal…define it in your mind now.

So what is your thought about your ability to reach that goal? That thought is your “belief” and “beliefs” run automatically from the subconscious mind and create our behaviors both negative and positive. Good and bad, right?

Let’s say your belief is in the area of body image.

What I mean is, how you feel about issues pertaining to the body?

-Do you believe that skinny people are unnatural, or somehow “hated” because they are skinny?  Think about it?

-Or, do you believe that if you are over 40 years of age, you are just suppose to have an extra 10-30 pounds?

-Or, do you believe that fat people are jolly?

Hungry Mind? or Hungry Body?

Where did we get these ideas? The subconscious mind, while we are growing up,  is like a sponge and absorbs everything we are told.  And, this is heightened if what we are told is coming from a parent, grandparent or someone else in an authoritative position.  If you want to know more about this, call me 972-974-2094.

So how does this hinder our weight loss efforts? Well, let’s say we consciously want to drop the pounds; but our belief system tells us (subconsciously) that ‘we are 45 and it is really okay to have that extra 25 pounds’.  Since the subconscious runs the show, so to speak, your body will hold onto the weight unless you change your belief system, so here is the good news:


Call me if you want to know how to ‘unlearn’ a belief 972-974-2094.

Not sure what your beliefs are?  Listen to your mind, what is it telling you?  Right now, my Elite Fitness Lifestyle participants are on day 3 of a cleanse and believe me the mind is really active…telling “us” that we need this or that, that this (cleanse) is too hard.  Awareness. That is what we need to move forward…consider opening your mind to a state of awareness to see what your mind is setting up for you.

It is just a thought and you can change that thought!

Clinical Hypnotist Valerie Grimes is a recognized master at helping people overcome negative belief systems, false opinions and self-defeating habits that reside in their sub-conscious minds.  These thought habits consistently sabotage relationships, health and opportunities for success in business and other important realms of life.  Call her at 972-974-2094.

By Valerie Grimes

Besides assisting individuals in behavior change and self improvement, Hypnotist Valerie Grimes specializing in dependencies such as alcohol, food, shopping, pain medication, and smoking. She is also trained in the area of hypnosis for PTSD and Auto Immune Disorders. And is a Reiki Level 2 Master. For More about Valerie, Go To Her Personal Web Page. She is a 2002 graduate of the Dallas Hypnosis Training Institute, and certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. Continuing Education is maintained 15 hours per year through Hypnosis Motivational Institute in California.

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