
Empowerment comes from within, hypnosis only enhances the process. 

hypnosisThere are at least two positive changes hypnosis will empower you to make in your life. Making these shifts may mark the turning point in your life, setting you up to create a life you really love.

Letting Go of What’s Not Working

Throughout our lives, we all gather an impressive collection of thoughts about how the world works, what’s ‘normal’, and what’s ‘reasonable’ to expect from life. We carry thoughts about ourselves, about how we think others feel about us, and memories that impacted our whole outlook. Sometimes, though, all that baggage isn’t worth carrying on the trip anymore.

These thoughts and feelings can be burdensome and painful, practically crippling us at every turn. We base life decisions on some of these thoughts, and find ourselves staggering under the weight of how it all shows up in our everyday life.

The thing is, most of it is just our interpretation of the world – it’s not how life has to be. But letting go of the mental programming running your life isn’t as easy as recognizing it’s not working for you. That’s where hypnosis can help, supporting you from the underside of your mind as you release what no longer serves you.

Creating Your Life as You Desire

Living your life as your true, authentic self is something most people crave, yet few manage to do. It takes courage to show up as you. Part of your mind is likely waiting for permission and encouragement to be yourself. It seems safer to hide your feelings, hide your greatness. After all, if you’re not in full view, it’s harder for anyone to take aim and hurt you – but there’s a huge price to pay for hiding.

Hypnosis can help you become more courageous and relaxed about showing up for real in your own life, being the you you really are.

If you are ready to make some positive life-altering changes, the first step is making contact – then we’ll see where it makes sense to go from there.  Click to ask me about hypnosis.

By Valerie Grimes

Besides assisting individuals in behavior change and self improvement, Hypnotist Valerie Grimes specializing in dependencies such as alcohol, food, shopping, pain medication, and smoking. She is also trained in the area of hypnosis for PTSD and Auto Immune Disorders. And is a Reiki Level 2 Master. For More about Valerie, Go To Her Personal Web Page. She is a 2002 graduate of the Dallas Hypnosis Training Institute, and certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. Continuing Education is maintained 15 hours per year through Hypnosis Motivational Institute in California.

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