Did you know PTSD not only affects military personal but also people that were involved in natural disasters, personal attacks and accidents?

And that women experience the symptoms of PTSD almost in equal proportions to men. Our Hypnosis Program for PTSD was designed to help in four main categories of experience:

  1. Emotional reactions (fear, hopelessness, anxiety)
  2. Cognitive reactions (thinking, reasoning, judgment)
  3. Physical reactions (digestive problems, headaches, aches/pains)
  4. Interpersonal reactions (relationship friction, overprotective, non responsive, non emotional)

If you are experiencing any of the following you could have PTSD and hypnosis can assist you in returning to your normal life.

  • Reliving the experience, consistent negative talk about what happened
    , mental not enjoying the things they use to, fearful of things they weren’t before
    Hyper Arousal

Reasons for not seeking help

Sometimes it is hard to ask for help, I understand your thinking the following way: unaware that help is available, don’t need help, shame, men are tough, guilt about experience, people will see me as weak-minded, or I’m the only one.

Let’s set up a consultation to discuss your feelings about recovery, it’s complimentary.

You are worth it, it is time to take back your power and control over your life.

Who is at risk?

  • military personnel
  • police officers
  • fire department
  • nurses
  • doctors
  • reporters
  • volunteers
  • witnesses

When it affects your family it is time to seek help

  • Finances
  • Sexual Relations
  • Aggression
  • Avoidance
  • Guilt
  • Sleeping Problems
  • Health

If you have experienced trauma, I understand it is your perception of the event more so than the actual event itself, hypnosis is excellent for helping them to change the way they think and respond to the original event.

Call for a complimentary consultation and take your power back. 972-974-2094.