Stroke Survivor Support

Hypnosis Programs for Stroke Survivor Support

Certified by Mottin & Johnson Institute of Hypnosis

There are 15 categories of a stroke that we are now trained to support/improve:

  • Paralysis, including somatoparaphrenia
  • Muscle weakness, numbness, stiffness
  • Speech
  • Pain
  • Walking, including foot drop
  • Vision, partial blockage, vision field loss
  • Memory, amnesia, word retrieval
  • Fatigue, assist with sleep/weakness
  • Self Esteem, restore dignity
  • Cognition, thinking and reasoning
  • Risk Prevention
  • Eating and Swallowing
  • Personality Changes-impulsive behavior, relationships
  • Perceptions, including time distortion
  • Emotions, sadness/anger/apathy/stress

    I used to suffer from muscle spasms on my right side, thru hypnosis I have learned to relax my right side, my stroke was in 2003 and this is the first time my right side feels relaxed. Betty/Bedford, Tx (age 76).

Did you know that 40% of stroke victims experience moderate to severe impairments requiring special care, and 25% recovery with minor impairments?

However, when these stats were compiled, they did not figure hypnosis into the support program nor the brain’s ability to have new cells take over the function of an old, dead ell, something called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity occurs naturally, however hypnosis can speed up the process.

Brain plasticity is a unique characteristic of neuronal cells. No other organ has the capability of rewiring itself to take on other functions.

The program also helps the patient replace any disability with feelings of confidence and energy–rewiring the brain with positive thoughts about the future.

Call for your consultation 972-974-2094, we look forward to assisting you in taking back control over your life.