hypnosis for stress

Clearing Your Limiting Beliefs With Hypnosis So You Can Easily Move Forward Towards Your Goal.

Beliefs also called Imprints often stop us in our tracks even though our conscious intention is otherwise.

Need to stop a counter productive behavior?
Want to be free to move forward with a project or a new career?

Your beliefs could be holding you back. Beliefs, also called IMPRINTS drives a behavior because of something we:

  • Saw
  • Heard
  • Felt
  • Read
  • Experienced in the past

Here is a real life example of removing a negative imprint about eating vegetables with hypnosis:

The belief was “Vegetables Make Me Gag.”

After a session to remove a gag reflex, the client writes to say she is doing well.

“I have been eating salads everyday since I left your office! It has been wonderful!

No feelings to gag at all!! I’m not exactly enjoying them but find myself enjoying them more and more everyday. Right now though, I’ve been trying to eat at least one everyday to get more used to it. But it has been great!

My parents and friends are super shocked!” Jessica-Dallas

How are imprints generated?

An imprint starts with a suggestion and is generated in two ways internally or externally.

Example of internal – negative self talk

Vegetables have always made me gag.

Example of external – direct/indirect suggestions of others.

Aunt Marcia always ate her vegetables but she still died too young.

There are two types of imprints: Positive | Negative 

Beliefs reside in the unconscious mind and operate continuously without our awareness (or permission) until they are reframed. Hypnosis reframes them.

  • They were crafted during your early developmental years through direct or indirect words or actions (imprints) that taught you to think you were okay or weren’t okay, worthy or unworthy, loveable or unlovable and those impressions stuck. Currently all of your behaviors emanate from them without your conscious awareness and that is your level of self-esteem.
  • Imprints affect how you view yourself but are based on others’ information, not your true nature.  Before the age of 12, we don’t possess critical thinking skills, meaning we pretty much accept all that we are told or shown or exposed to.
  • So if you were directly told something as hurtful as ‘you aren’t smart so you good you are pretty’, or ‘short men never get very far in life’.  Or indirectly you received feedback from your caretakers like when you were happy and excited and made some noise and father had a headache and told you to shut up.

So if you find yourself saying why am I stuck? Why do I have this behavior or this attitude? Hypnosis clears beliefs so you can move forward.


  • Each of our beliefs creates a behavior.

  • Each behavior creates an outcome, so if we don’t like the outcome of our actions, we must go back to the belief.

Call Dallas Hypnotist Valerie Grimes today to discuss your current beliefs and how they affects you! 972-974-2094



By Valerie Grimes

Besides assisting individuals in behavior change and self improvement, Hypnotist Valerie Grimes specializing in dependencies such as alcohol, food, shopping, pain medication, and smoking. She is also trained in the area of hypnosis for PTSD and Auto Immune Disorders. And is a Reiki Level 2 Master. For More about Valerie, Go To Her Personal Web Page. She is a 2002 graduate of the Dallas Hypnosis Training Institute, and certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. Continuing Education is maintained 15 hours per year through Hypnosis Motivational Institute in California.