hypnosis to quit smoking

Stop Smoking Hypnosis in Dallas Big News: Smokers who quit are happier.

Here’s an article based on the research that states people who quit are happier. Most people avoid quitting because they are worried about how they will calm themselves, or find enjoyment in their day.

Smokers Who Quit Are Happier, Study Finds:

“Our findings suggest that, over the long-term, individuals will be happier and more satisfied with their lives if they stop smoking than if they do not,” the researchers wrote. “This research provides substantial evidence that quitting smoking benefits well-being, compared to continuing smoking.”

This is useful for anyone who fears when they stop they won’t be as happy or satisfied with their life.

Pass it on: People who successfully quit smoking report that they are:

  • More satisfied with their lives
  • Feel healthier
  • Experience less stressors

Compared to those who continue to smoke.

Call for a complimentary consultation and to hear about the 3 aspects of the smoking habit we address in our program.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis in Dallas: Smokers who quit are happier, see for yourself!

By Valerie Grimes

Besides assisting individuals in behavior change and self improvement, Hypnotist Valerie Grimes specializing in dependencies such as alcohol, food, shopping, pain medication, and smoking. She is also trained in the area of hypnosis for PTSD and Auto Immune Disorders. And is a Reiki Level 2 Master. For More about Valerie, Go To Her Personal Web Page. She is a 2002 graduate of the Dallas Hypnosis Training Institute, and certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. Continuing Education is maintained 15 hours per year through Hypnosis Motivational Institute in California.

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